Update: ExhibitView for iPad, BlackBerry's Doom, Android Tablets

I would tell you that I’ve just finished reviewing ExhibitView iPad, but then I’d haveto tell you that you’re going to have to wait to read it until it getspublished on LawTechnology News. I’ll let you know once it’s up there (follow me on Twitterif you want the quickest and latest updates: http://twitter.com/litigationtech).Without spoiling, I can tell you that I was impressed, and look forward toseeing other developments from them.
Update: The review has been published and is now live on Law Technology News.

Speaking of Law Tech News, I’ve been quoted in a fewarticles there recently. One was an interesting piece by Brendan McKenna, LTN'snews editor, entitled “2011'sTech Folly of the Year”. That “folly” was none other than the once-ubiquitousBlackBerry, so addictive it was even referred to as the “CrackBerry.” Read theentire article for some additional insight, but here’s my prediction of doom.

In May, our own TedBrooks announced his defection from BlackBerry here in the pagesof LTN, saying,"BlackBerry has been losing market-share in a big way recently, and Isuspect I am a classic defector. Although I've been a BlackBerry user fornearly 15 years, I am weary of screen-envy, and since the next version ofBlackBerry OS for the latest BlackBerry device won't support my current device,I'm done with it." He adds that he feels no desire to purchase thePlayBook, for the reasons cited above. In August, Brooks again suggested that RIM's days were numbered: "Eventhough Research In Motion has owned the legal market for many years, unlessthey once innovate instead of renovate, the BlackBerry's days arenumbered." While not necessarily indicative of a trend, Brooks is knownthroughout the legal technology community for his Court Technology andTrial Presentation blog, so when he defects in such a public manner,it may be right to presume that RIM has one foot in the grave.

Just last week, Evan Koblentz, a reporter for Law TechnologyNews shared his thoughts on the iPad versus Android tablets, in “iPadMania Aside, Tablets Are Inefficient Work Devices for Lawyers.” Aftertesting the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9, Koblentz finds that “For tech-minded lawyers, Android is worth considering because of themany customization options, various screen sizes, and hybrid laptops, such asthe Asus Transformer series. But for most lawyers, it makes a lot more sense tofollow the herd into Appleville, as LawTechnology News columnist TedBrooks noted recently.”

Also, I’ve just downloaded and started my review of a newapp which claims to be an aid in jury selection, called iJury. Staytuned, and I hope the New Year has been good to you thus far!

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