Labyrinth 2 is a ball rolling game by Illusion Labs. $4.99
There are some games that would not work on any other platform except our iDevices, Labyrinth 2 is one of these and aren't we glad that we get to play it!
When the App Store was quite new we came across a game called Labyrinth, which gave us over 1000 levels to roll around in. I never got around to buying the full version but I did have the lite version for a long time and really enjoyed the game. Illusion Labs however has taken over the title and created an outstanding sequel which puts the original to shame.
With over a year between versions you would expect there to be some pretty big changes, especially in the graphics department. In true Illusion Labs style they have made this game look absolutely brilliant and have added some features which make this game one of the best out there. While this game only has about 200 pre-loaded levels that is just the tip of the iceberg with much more content to be found and created by you.
The original Labyrinth looked good, but somehow Illusion Labs has made it better and 3D. First of all looking at this game you don't think you can really make it look 3D and still decent looking, but the suttle improvements made to the game such as seeing the sides of the walls as you tilt the game really make this look awesome.
Instead of a game where you a rolling it into 2D lines on the screen it's almost like there is a real ball in your device. Along with the classic wooden layout of the original we get a new Metallic setting as well as some awesome new toys to play with in the levels. With these new features it really shows how good the physics are in this game.
The ball reacts accordingly to what happens to it with some level of realism and most importantly this game is smooth and has no lag at all. This is an extremely good thing, especially with a game that needs so much precision as lag would be the ultimate gamebreaker here.
Much like the other ball rolling game I recently covered, Super Monkey Ball 2, the controls are super easy to pick up but will take a long time to master. You tilt the device to control where the ball goes and obviously the more you tilt it the faster the ball will roll. Instead of the view we got in SMB2 you are looking down on the game with the whole level in front of you. Again, while the process seems easy enough you will find that this game requires a heap of precision and timing to finish quite a lot of the medium and harder levels.
There are many dangers on the levels and knowing the key amount to tilt your device is crucial to success, making once again another game that is quick to learn but will take hours to master. This seems like the key area of Illusion Labs games I have found.
The aim of a Labyrinth game is to work your way through the maze to the end point of it. In Labyrinth 2 on the iPhone they can add in lots more effects and features than we could ever imagine in a real life game.
In this version you have to avoid dangerous holes that send you back to the starting position as well as many other obstacles such as pinball bumpers, cannons, fans, trip wires, magnets and much more. Most of these features are new in Labyrinth 2 and require some getting used to their effects when triggered.
The base set of levels in this game rounds off to around 200 in total. They come in level packs and are classified as easy, medium or hard. The aim is to beat the levels as fast as possible to get the best time. Beating level packs and lots more lets you unlock achievements, which slowly unlocks new balls for you to roll around in the game. For the first time all these levels can be played in a brand new local multiplayer mode. This lets up to four players roll to victory each aiming for the best time.
I bet you are asking, how come we get 800 levels less in this new version? 200 Levels for $4.99, this is an absolute outrage! Luckily for those who manage to beat all 200 levels there is a revolutionary new mode that lets you download and create your own level packs. There are literally an unlimited amount of levels to download as the large fan base and creating new packs regularly. Some are downright terrible packs but if you check the Top 25 section you will find the finest packs created by fellow gamers.
To make your own levels you have to get a code off the game and head to LevelPack.com where you can then add any of the obstacles and features that we find in the game itself. This is quite a detailed layout letting you put exact sizes and locations of different items to create the ultimate level. You will find yourself spending more time on this than the game, trying to make hard levels to challenge the best rollers and nice easy packs for the beginners.
With this in the game Illusion Labs have created ultimately unlimited fun and levels for us to play, giving you more bang for your buck.
Labyrinth 2 is an excellent game that has received glowing reviews from the public, being in the top 20 paid games and still retaining their perfect 5 star average. This is one of the smoothest and best casual games out on the App Store. I can easily play this for 5 minutes or be hooked on it for over an hour.
Especially with their brilliant creating system and the ability to download other peoples levels is a great addition to this game. For $4.99 I can easily recommend this to anyone as you will find all aspects of the game perfectly executed. One of the best games I have played on the iDevice.
Gameplay- 10/10
Graphics- 9/10
Controls- 9.5/10
Overall- 9.5/10